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  • Savery Creek Outfitters
  • Savery Creek Outfitters
Trophy Whitetail
Trophy Whitetail
Trophy Whitetail
Trophy Whitetail
Trophy Whitetail
Trophy Whitetail
Trophy Whitetail
Trophy Whitetail
Trophy Whitetail
Trophy Whitetail
Trophy Whitetail
Trophy Whitetail
Trophy Whitetail
Trophy Whitetail
Trophy Whitetail
Trophy Whitetail
Trophy Whitetail
Trophy Whitetail
Trophy Whitetail
Trophy Whitetail
Trophy Whitetail
Trophy Whitetail
Trophy Whitetail
Trophy Whitetail
Trophy Whitetail
Trophy Whitetail
Trophy Whitetail
Trophy Whitetail
Trophy Whitetail
Trophy Whitetail
Trophy Whitetail
Trophy Whitetail
Trophy Whitetail
Trophy Whitetail
Trophy Whitetail
Trophy Whitetail
Trophy Whitetail
Trophy Whitetail

More trail-cam photos are being added weekly, check back soon to see our new deer!

Over the past few years Savery Creek Outfitters has been looking for a ranch located south of our operations in Wyoming and Colorado.  The ideal ranch for us was a ranch located in prime hunting grounds for mature white tail deer that could be managed for genetic quality outside of a high fence area.  Secondly, the property would idealy have a suitable habitat for hog hunting as well as other species of animals that Wyoming and Colorado did not have suitable climate for.  After evaluating many ranches over this time period and not committing to a lease we feel that in 2017 we were able to procure a ranch that met all of our criteria.  This ranch has been sparsely hunted by the previous lessee, allowing for the development of a large quantity of mature bucks.  Early game camera footage from 2017 is showing the promise of large deer this season.  Our management staff is in the process of setting out additional cellular cameras to avoid disturbing habitats while gaining access to more footage of this seasons deer.  

We are very excited about this ranch and the layout of this property.  Its location is ideal for white tail deer due to its ample feed ground and varied terrain.  The many ponds and large span of Washita river bottom on the property help complete the game habitat we have been seeking. 

The hog and turkey hunting as well as the fishing on this property are a great addition to a ranch like this.  We are very excited about our first year in Oklahoma and are looking forward to a very successful season!   

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  • Savery Creek Outfitters

All photos and other materials on this site are © 2019 by Savery Creek Outfitters

Bo Stocks 307-380-7117       Kristen Stocks 307-200-1930           PO Box 159, Dixon, WY 82323


Savery Creek Outfitters License # BG-324, 2803, BCH594, 01567, WY-SRP-03-13-06        

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